Teleporter Tales
My Twinmaker series took the old trope of the teleporter or matter transmitter to a whole new level – but it didn’t stop there. There were way more stories than I could fit into one trilogy, so I started writing bonus short stories, many of which were properly published, some given away as bonuses for bloggers or in my newsletter, and so on. In all, over forty Twinmaker stories crept out into the world, and I regard this as one of my major achievements for the series.
If you’re interested in exploring this vast extended universe, there’s a complete list here. There are also deleted scenes, remixes, poetry, and essays – over three novels worth of material. Most of them are free.
There’s duplicated cats, immortal pop stars, life-size model train collectors, ballistic popcorn, troubling malfunctions, unprecedented love stories, deadly new drugs, strange crimes, peculiar protests, difficult relationship decisions, the world in danger, and much, much more.
And they’re still coming! With another Twinmaker story recently sold to Daily SF, I can’t see myself running out of ideas anytime soon . . .