Swords, Snow and Short Stories in SA (and beyond)
posted on 17 Oct 2017 at 5:17 am
I’ve been lax in listing my appearances here lately (lazy author slaps own wrist) so here are three forthcoming events in SA and two in Queensland, all scheduled before the end of the year – which is shockingly close. If you want to see me before I move to Dublin, one of these would be a good bet!
World Premiere launch of Have Sword, Will Travel, the first book in a new series with Garth Nix – 1pm Sunday the 22nd of October at beautiful Carrick Hill, as part of the inaugural Adelaide Children’s Book Festival. There’s lots to see and do, so stick around for the entire day!
- Want to know all about my adventures in Antarctica? Come to the Tower Arts Centre at 6.30pm, October 25, as part of Zest Fest 2017. Bookings essential!
- This year the Australian Short Story Festival is right here in Adelaide, 3-5 November. I’m on a couple of panels, but really the entire program makes for essential viewing. Held at the West End Campus of UniSA, it’s going to be a blast for readers and writers both!
- Another launch! Immediately prior to GenreCon in Brisbane, on November 9th, Garth and I will be talking up Have Sword, Will Travel at Avid Reader. Come and help us celebrate!
- Lastly, GenreCon itself. I’ll be on panels and delivering a keynote over the weekend of 10-12 November. The guest list is ginormous. Don’t miss out!
I do believe that expends my allowance of exclamation marks for one day.