The Subjects
Some of you many know that I’m going into a sleep centre shortly. Not because I have sleep apnoea, but SCIENCE.
“Writers and artists are experts at imagining and creating the lives and worlds of others – but what happens when the tables are turned and they themselves become The Subjects? ANAT has asked The Scientists to create a residency that does just this – and at the same time places The Subjects under uncommon duress.”
The dates are 9-16 Feb. My fellow subjects are Fee Plumley, Jennifer Mills and Thom Buchanan. There’s blog where we’ll be posting work, personal accounts of our experiences, rambling philosophical tracts – whatever strikes us at the time. Here’s the link: If you want to know the full reason why I’m doing this, you’ll find the answer there.
[…] Here’s why, in Sean’s own words. […]