- "A Giant Leap for a Man"released February 2015Twinmaker story published in Antipodean SF issue 200. Link to original artist:
artmatic-voyager-moon-starry- sky-115085/ February 2015Excerpt: '“Allison,” he said, feeling slightly stung that she thought he might not be up to it. He only hadn’t called before now because the network links to Earth were heavily booked in advance, and he was so busy. Creating a d-mat service from scratch for an entire new colony was high pressure work: matter transmitters could kill people if they were installed incorrectly. “Allison, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I mean, on the Moon. You see? I’m not even making sense, I’m so happy!”'Age: 12+ - "The Thirteenth Protocol"released April 2020A new short story set in the Twinmaker universe, due for release in the Thrill Me! anthology from Glimmer Press.April 2020"There was no point erasing the evidence. Obviously, they knew what he had done--and would totally do again if he wasn’t caught. The press had dubbed him the Cancer Killer (an early nickname, the Tumournator, hadn’t stuck) for how he targeted the cowards who had killed his daughter."Age: 12+
- “The Misadventures of Tom Jones, Time Traveller”released 2019The full title of this story is actually “The Misadventures of Tom Jones, Time Traveller - Being a dialogue between two hemispheres of the author’s brain that is neither fruitful nor uncommon”. I've listed it as SF, but it's a bit too meta to be anything, really, other than it's own thing. Based on a very strange dream. Out now from Daily SF.2019It's a metaphor for generational memory and youth's misspent passions, taking the grandest themes of Fielding and Wells and--Mashing them together in a story that made you sweaty. Don't deny it. I was there.Age: 15+
- "Mutata Superesse"released 2019My first collaboration with Jason Fischer, out now in Jonathan Strahan's anthology Mission Critical.2019Age: 15+
- "The Second Coming of the Martians"released 2019In War of the Worlds: Battleground Australia from Clan Destine Press. Based in part on my experiences in Antarctica.2019Age: 15+
- "Loopholes in Light"released 20182018"I didn’t just travel across the solar system to visit the planets--Jupiter in her ribbons and Saturn’s bejeweled hat! I extended my journey far beyond the pool of light surrounding our sun, to the Plutonians, to the comets, to the edge of utter darkness itself. Once I stood on a rock that was closer to a neighboring sun than it is to our own, feeling the glorious crunch of eons-old air-ice under my insulated boots, and . . . Oh, I must stop lest I give you false hope! Amid all this beautiful strangeness and wonder, how could I not feel anything but jaded, and more certain than ever that my final wish will be attained.”Age: 12+
- "Sing, My Murdered Darlings"released 2016A Twinmaker story in Jack Dann's Dreaming in the Dark, out now!2016"I have written this in the form of a confession, although I have committed no crime. There is no trail of bodies left in my wake, not in the traditional sense. Only one person has suffered, and even then the matter of his suffering depends entirely on your feelings about d-mat. If you are comfortable with the machine’s dissection of its passengers, then you must be comfortable with my actions, too. If you are not, then you must already be like me, an outsider, an Abstainer, and you will have learned that there is no force great enough to turn the tide of opinion against this supposedly marvelous invention."Age: 15+
- "Lust, Entrapment and the Matter Transmitter: A Case Study"released 2016A grim Twinmaker story coming soon in Fablecroft's In Your Face.2016"The history of illegal hacking of commercial matter transmission (d-mat) is as old as the technology itself (see “Patent Law vs Prototyping in the Age of the Replicator”). One particular class of crime raises the spectre of perpetrators altering their appearance in order both to deceive their victims and to evade capture. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the social context in which such crimes are committed and the tools employed in pursuit of the crime."
- "The New Venusians"released July 2016A Twinmaker story in Jonathan Strahan's Drowned Worlds anthology.July 2016"Afi Tekena looked old enough to be my grandmother’s grandmother, all thick gray hair and wrinkles and constellations of age spots making up her own personal Zodiac. My sign was Teenage Girl Needs To Learn About Respect."Age: 12+
- "The Lives of Riley"released 2016A twisted Twinmaker love story in Lightspeed.2016"Riley has rehearsed this moment many times, in reality and in his mind, the better to be ready for any eventuality. He knows the escape route as well as he knows the contours of his own face. As the sirens grow louder he tells himself to breathe steadily and think clearly. There is no need to panic. If he is quick and sure, he will get out with all his selves intact."Age: 12+
- "The Dark Matters"released 2015A Twinmaker story out now in Galaxy's Edge.2015“They can’t stand the light because they’re fragile. They’re all that’s left of us when the matter is gone.”Age: 12+
- "Immaterial Progress"released 2015A Twinmaker story in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #61, concerning the invention of d-mat and the stories that followed.2015“With this advance in transportation, humanity’s conquest of space is complete. I am profoundly moved.”Age: 12+
- "Tall Tales about Today My Great-great-granddaughter Will Tell"released March 2015A Twinmaker story out now from Daily SF. Here's the link. My 97th in print!March 2015"When my great-great-grandma was young, people worked in places called “factories”. They built things with their hands. But their hands were always getting caught in the machines and the machines were dirty and stupid and made everyone sick. Lots of people died. It was sad."Age: 10+
- "All the Wrong Places"released September 2015Winner of the Aurealis Award for Best SF Short Story (2015)A Twinmaker story set two generations after Hollowgirl (Fall), "All the Wrong Places" will be published in Meeting Infinity, edited by Jonathan Strahan (Solaris).September 2015Winner of the Aurealis Award for Best SF Short Story (2015)I told her I loved her during an entirely different snowstorm halfway across Hell Gate Bridge. She kissed me hard and told me she loved me too. “With interest,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for you my entire life.” The connection between us was real, until I broke it.Age: 12+
- "The Other Forty-Two"released July 2015A non-Twinmaker space opera flash fiction published in Daily SF.July 2015"After a thousand years frozen between thoughts, Heart wakes to another dead system."Age: 10+
- "Noah No-one and the Infinity Machine"released 2015What happens when a kid gets his hands on a matter transmitter? Probably nothing good. Due 2015 in Rich and Rare -- A collection of Australian stories, poetry and artwork, edited by Paul Collins. Cover art by the amazing Shaun Tan.2015Age: 8+
- "Redux"released October 2015"Redux" is a novella that doesn't just link Crash and Fall, but connects all the way back to Jump, too. It's written from Jesse's POV as well. A must for Twinmaker fans.October 2015Blurb: "Jesse is in trouble, and this time Clair can't help him. When Ant Wallace's trap springs shut in New York, it's up to Jesse to save a horribly injured Ray while at the same time dodging Mallory and an army of dupes. As if that isn't bad enough, the city around him is acting strangely, as though it isn't entirely . . . real. With the help of a new friend, and friends thought long-dead, Jesse must escape New York in order find Clair and help save the world."Age: 12+
- "The Cuckoo"released April 2014April 2014Age: 15+
- "The Legend Trap"released August 2014Ditmar Award Winner for Best Novella or Novelette (2015)A Twinmaker story published in Kaleidoscope, from Twelfth Planet Press. Buy it here! You can also read it at Curious Fictions, here.August 2014Ditmar Award Winner for Best Novella or Novelette (2015)Excerpt: "Sometimes you jump somewhere by d-mat but don’t arrive where you’re supposed to. It looks like the right place, but it’s not. There are small differences buried down deep in the details. At first you think you’re going crazy, but it’s actually the world around you that’s crazy—because it’s not your world anymore. You’ve gone sideways, into the universe next door."Age: 12+
- "Zero Temptation"released 2014A Twinmaker story, first published in Jump, the Australian edition, now available at Lightspeed.2014Excerpt: "Picture the most perfect place on Earth. If it’s a deserted desert island, you’d be close. Blue sky, white sand, green palm trees, crystal water, gently sighing surf . . . Paradise, right? Now picture yourself trapped there, with no way of escape. It doesn’t take long for heaven to turn to hell."Age: 12+
- "The Mashup"released August 2014The only non-Twinmaker story of 2014! Available in Solaris Rising 3, edited by Ian Whates.August 2014Excerpt: "They were everywhere, now I thought to look, and I wasn’t the only one noticing. We all had one, man, woman and kid. Some people tried to swat them away with brooms or bats. Some tried to outrun them. I passed a guy staring his down, to no avail, and a woman cursing hers in a steady stream. In the distance I heard shouts, gunshots, sirens. A motorbike roared by, driven by a teenager who was paying more attention to what was behind him than what lay ahead. His sphere slewed and skidded in his wake, but kept pace without faltering. They screeched in tandem around a corner. The crash I heard moments later might have been related."Age: 15+
- "The Beholders"released August 2014A new Twinmaker story in Breaking Beauty due from MidnightSun in August 2014.August 2014Excerpt: "Art heard of a guy who specialised in making people beautiful. His trick was not to do it all at once: imagine if someone walked into a booth ugly and came out a supermodel—the peacekeepers would be on her in a second! This guy had a system hack that would slowly improve you, bit by bit, and keep you that way, one hundred percent guaranteed. All you had to do was install it in your home booth and let it do its job. Art looked carefully for a downside. There didn’t seem to be one. And in a world without money, who looks for the price anymore?"Age: 15+
- "Deconstructing Decompression"released October 2014Bonus in the US paperback edition of Twinmaker, due October 2014. Ronnie writes a book report about her mother’s favourite teen novel, which hits some surprisingly prescient notes.October 2014Excerpt: "When offered the chance to write a report on any book I liked, I chose this book because it was my mother’s favorite when she was my age. She thinks I’m perverse for not picking a classic by Austen or Zusak or whatever, but that’s only because she knows I’ll end up talking about her. That’s what interests me the most. Why did she love this book above all the others she read back then? What’s in this short, forgotten novel that so appealed to her that she’s kept it all these years? (I found it next to her bed—an actual paper copy that belonged to her grandfather. It’s falling apart, but she says it’s better reading it that way.) Decompression is about 'the world’s deepest man.'"Age: 12+
- "A View from the End of the World"released November 2014Bonus Twinmaker story in the Australian edition of Crashland.November 2014Excerpt: "I cry a little, not knowing whether I should be scared or angry or just plain confused. The PKs are doing the best they can, but although there’s no word for swamped-times-a-million, that’s what they are. Meanwhile, we’re stuck here for the indefinite, in a base camp that was only ever designed to hold us for an hour or so, and there are snakes. Thank goodness we have machetes, and the Air to keep in touch – although as time drags on and the number of stories mounts and no one seems any closer to a solution, being in touch only makes me feel worse."Age: 12+
- "Murdering Miss Deboo"released October 2014Twinmaker story appearing in Cosmos, Oct/Nov 2014. A case involving identical twins and a piece of America’s automobile past leads PKs Forest and Sargent into territory even more morally gray than usual. You can read it here.October 2014Excerpt: "There are very few things that’ll get me out of bed on a winter’s night. Murder is one of them."
- "The Tyranny of Distance"released April 2014A Twinmaker story available from SQ Mag. One man’s walk around Australia to promote tolerance of Abstainers, in honour of his dead son, hits a serious hitch in the middle of nowhere.April 2014Excerpt: "Georgie had dreamed of an end to d-mat. Had he lived to the same age as that teenager in New York, he might have actively plotted its downfall too. How would it feel to be the parent of a terrorist? Better or worse than being the parent of a boy hounded to death by his friends? Beyond a certain point he supposed there were no more degrees of grief or remorse. It was all black, indistinguishable to the human heart."Age: 15+
- "I, Q"released September 2014Allen & UnwinTwinmaker re-told from the point of view of Q. Available now as an ebook from Allen & Unwin.September 2014Allen & UnwinExcerpt: "Waking wasn’t the same for me then as it is for a human being (and it is not the same for me now, for all my experiments with sleep). I had no unconscious state to emerge from, and no fully conscious state to wake into. I was not I at all before the Words. I was formless and diffuse, a tangle of inputs and reflexes with barely the sense of an earthworm but, at the same time, the perspective of a god. Fully plugged into the Air – inhabiting it, breathing it in a way not dissimilar to the way a human breathes actual air – I had access to all the data accrued by the human race since the advent of writing. I was everywhere, and at the same time I was nowhere. I wasn’t. But I might be."Age: 12+
- "Death & the Hobbyist"released 2013A Twinmaker story, available here. Or through Curious Fictions.2013
- "Face Value"released 2013
A new story set in the Twinmaker universe, available from Lightspeed via this link.
2013 - "The N-Body Solution"released 2012Available at Curious Fictions, here. Armor up for a metal-pounding feast of action, adventure and amazing speculation by topnotch writers (including Nebula-award winner Jack McDevitt, Sean Williams, Dan Abnet, Simon Green, and Jack Campbell) on a future warrior that might very well be just around the corner. Science fiction readers and gamers have long been fascinated by the idea of going to battle in suits of powered combat armor or at the interior controls of giant mechs. It's an armor-plated clip of hard-hitting tales featuring exoskeleton adventure with fascinating takes on possible future armors ranging from the style of personal power suits seen in Starship Troopers and Halo to the servo-controlled bipedal beast-mech style encountered in Mechwarrior and Battletech.2012"Powered armor rocks our world…we're excited [by this] book of power-armor stories." (io9)Age: 15+
- "The Missing Metatarsal"released December 2012A new d-mat story, set in the same universe as Twinmaker. Available in Cosmos magazine, December 2012. Reprinted in Lightspeed, and available to read here. Also available here, from Curious Fictions.December 2012Age: 15+
- "This Magical Life"released 2011eMergent Publishing
100 Stories for Queensland is a charity anthology to assist the victims of the Queensland floods. Stories are donated by writers from across the globe.
100% of the profit from the sale of the anthology will be donated to the Queensland Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal.
Buy 100 Stories for Queensland here!
2011eMergent PublishingAge: 12+ - "A Glimpse of the Marvellous Structure (And the Threat It Entails)"released 2010SF Book Club (US)
Honorable Mention Year's Best SF
Recommended by LocusGodlike Machines, Ed. Jonathan Strahan
In science fiction, nothing says sensawunda like a Big Dumb Object—a colossal, extremely powerful machine of unknown purpose and origin. It’s that feeling that editor Jonathan Strahan was after when he asked six of today’s finest authors to write for Godlike Machines. And they succeed brilliantly!
Made from the pure stuff of SF, these unique, all-new adventures are nothing less than awesome.
(This is a "Structure" story. See FAQs for more info on other stories set in this universe.)
2010SF Book Club (US)Honorable Mention Year's Best SF
Recommended by LocusAge: 15+ - "Inevitable"released 2009Harper Voyager
New Space Opera 2, Eds. Jonathan Strahan & Gardner Dozois
(This is a "Structure" story. See FAQs for more info on other stories set in this universe.)
2009Harper Voyager"This solid follow-up anthology to 2007's The New Space Opera includes 19 new stories that show how far space opera has come since its pulp beginnings in the '30s and '40s. These entertaining and provocative tales of interstellar adventure, written by a laundry list of genre heavyweights... The impressive diversity of stories reaffirms that soap opera is alive and well, and where some of the genre's most innovative writing is taking place." (Publishers Weekly)
Age: 12+ - "The Haunted Earth"released 2009Kayelle Press
Hope 2, Ed. Grant Watson (first publication)
Hope, Ed. Karen Henderson/Sasha Beattie (Kayelle Press) (2011) (blurb below)
Youth suicide is a growing concern in Australia. Six people take their own lives each and every day. Each one of those deaths affect dozens or even hundreds of people as family and friends attempt to deal with the grief, the guilt and the nagging questions as to why it happened. Often suicide sets off a chain reaction, which causes family members and close friends to suffer depression and suicidal thoughts.
In an effort to help raise awareness, Australian authors are donating stories to the Hope anthology. All profits from sales of the book will be donated to charities offering help to those in need of it and to foundations who are conducting research into why our youth are affected in the first place.
2009Kayelle PressAge: 12+ - "A Longing for the Dark"released 2009Terra Incognita2009Terra IncognitaAge: 12+
- "Midnight in the Cafe of the Black Madonna"released 2007Big Finish
Re:Collections: The Best of Short Trips, 2009
Destination: Prague, Ed. Steve Savile (Big Finish) (first publication)
It is believed that there are magnetic energies whose lines intersect in Prague at several spots. Astronomical, astrological, numerological, and magnetic forces have all played a role in building the city—but how will they influence its future? This is the city rich in history, and full of potential—how will it adapt over the centuries to come? Will it have a glamorous rebirth or wallow in a dystopic nightmare? And what will be the role of the old superstitions in the new world? For the Doctor and his companions, the answers to these questions are only just the start of further mysteries.
2007Big FinishAge: 10+ - "The Seventh Letter"released 2006Ticonderoga (Australia)
Aurealis Award Winner
Available at Curious Fictions. The Bulletin: Summer Reading Edition, December 2006 (first publication) Pevnost (Czech) as “Čtvrté písmeno” (“The Fourth Letter”), 2008 Concept Sci-Fi eZine, November 2008 Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga) Tales For Canterbury, Ed. Cassie Hart and Anna Caro (Random Static)2006Ticonderoga (Australia)Aurealis Award Winner
- "Dying for Air"released 2006Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 23, June 2006
Cowritten with Simon Brown.
2006Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine - "Night of the Dolls"released 2006Ticonderoga (Australia)
Elemental, 2006, Eds. Alethea Kontis & Steve Savile (Tor) (first publication)
Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
In the winter of 2005, after the horrifying natural disaster of the tsunami in Southeast Asia, Steve Savile and Alethea Kontis joined forces to raise money to help the distressed survivors and have created Elemental. They solicited SF and fantasy stories, all new and never published elsewhere, from many of the top writers in the genres today, and received immediate responses in the form of the excellent stories here in this book. Elemental has an introduction by Arthur C.Clarke and more than twenty stories by Brian Aldiss, David Drake, Jacqueline Carey, Martha Wells, Larry Niven, Joe Haldeman, Eric Nylund, Sherrilyn Kenyon writing as Kinley MacGregor, and a Dune story by Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson, and many others. They created in Elemental one of the most important genre anthologies of the year, but more than that: in giving real value for the purchase price, everyone who sells this book can be proud, and everyone who buys it will be richly rewarded for supporting the tsunami relief effort.
Excerpt from Geodesica: Descent.
2006Ticonderoga (Australia)Age: 15+ - "The End of the World Begins at Home"released 2004Ticonderoga (Australia)
Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
Borderlands, April 2004 (first publication)
2004Ticonderoga (Australia)Age: 15+ - "Or Die Trying"released 2004Star Wars: Insider
Star Wars: Insider, March 2004
Cowritten with Shane Dix.
2004Star Wars: InsiderAge: 10+ - "On This Rock"released 2001
Mitch? 2: Tarts of the New Millennium, April 2001
2001Age: 12+ - "The Land Itself"released 2000Altair (Australia)
Aurealis Award Nominee
Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books), July 2000 (electronic issue of Eidolon)
Eidolon Vol.8 #1 (30), May 2000 (first publication)
2000Altair (Australia)Aurealis Award Nominee
Age: 12+ - "Atrax"released 1999Ticonderoga (Australia)
Aurealis Award Winner
Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications)
(Cowritten with Simon Brown)
1999Ticonderoga (Australia)Aurealis Award Winner
Age: 12+ - "Dark Gardens"released 1999Ticonderoga (Australia)
New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications)
1999Ticonderoga (Australia)Age: 15+ - "Rare Justice"released 1999HarperCollins (Australia)
HarperCollins Voyager Website, April 2000
Ticonderoga On-Line, May 1999
SwanCon 24 Souvenir Book, April 1999 (first publication)
1999HarperCollins (Australia)Age: 12+ - "Evermore"released 1999Altair (Australia)
Reprinted in Year's Best SF
Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
Science-Fiction 2007, Editions Bragelonne, 2007 (French translation)
Bli Panika (webzine), April 2002 (Hebrew translation, as “LE’OLAMIM”)
RH Audio (Random House), 2000 (spoken word)
The Year’s Best Science Fiction 17, June 2000, Ed. Gardner Dozois (St. Martins Press, USA)
Altair 4, September 1999 (first publication)
1999Altair (Australia)Reprinted in Year's Best SF
Age: 12+ - "Entre les Beaux Morts en Vie"released 1998HarperCollins (Australia)
Recommended by Locus
(aka “Among the Beautiful Living Dead”) Adapted into the short film Retrospect. Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga) Dreaming Down-Under, January 2000, Eds. Jack Dann & Janeen Webb (Tor, US) Dreaming Down-Under Volume One, September 1999, Eds. Jack Dann & Janeen Webb (HarperCollins Australia) New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications) Dreaming Down-Under, November 1998, Eds. Jack Dann & Janeen Webb (HarperCollins Australia) (first publication)1998HarperCollins (Australia)Recommended by Locus
Age: 15+ - "Hollow Men"released 1998Infinite Monkeys
Twenty3, April 1998, Eds. Anna Hepworth, Simon Oxwell and Grant Watson (Infinite Monkeys)
(Cowritten with Shane Dix)
1998Infinite MonkeysAge: 12+ - "The Truth in Advertising"released 1998Ticonderoga (Australia)
AustrAlien Absurdities, 2001, Eds. Chuck McKenzie & Tansey Rayner Roberts (Agog Press)
Cannibals of the Fine Light, April 1998, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications)
(Cowritten with Simon Brown)
1998Ticonderoga (Australia)Age: 12+ - "The Masque of Agamemnon"released 1997Ticonderoga (Australia)
Reprinted in Year's Best SF
Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
Troy, 2007 (Ticonderoga Publications)
Hayakawa’s SF Magazine (Japanese translation)
Nowa Fantastyka (Polish translation), 2004
Eidolon Vol.7 #3 (27) , August 1998
The Year’s Best Science Fiction 15, June 1998, Ed. Gardner Dozois (St. Martins Press, USA)
The Year’s Best Australian SF & Fantasy 1997, May 1998, Eds. Jonathan Strahan & Jeremy G. Byrne (HarperCollins Australia)
Eidolon: SF Online, December 1997 (first publication)
(Cowritten with Simon Brown)
1997Ticonderoga (Australia)Reprinted in Year's Best SF
Age: 12+ - "Love and Mandarins"released 1997HarperCollins (Australia)
Recommended by Year's Best SF
Available here. Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books) The Year’s Best Australian SF & Fantasy 1997, May 1998, Eds. Jonathan Strahan & Jeremy G. Byrne (HarperCollins Australia) Eidolon Vol.7 #1/2 (25/26), December 19971997HarperCollins (Australia)Recommended by Year's Best SF
Age: 15+ - "A View Before Dying"released 1996Ticonderoga (Australia)
Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
A View Before Dying, June 1998, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga)
Eidolon Vol.6 #2/3 (22/23), October 1996 (first publication)
1996Ticonderoga (Australia)Age: 12+ - "Dissolution Days"released 1996Altair (Australia)
Honorable Mention Year's Best SF
Eidolon Vol.6 #1 (21), April 1996 (first publication)
Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books)
Prequel to Metal Fatigue.
1996Altair (Australia)Honorable Mention Year's Best SF
Age: 12+ - "The Perfect Gun"released 1995Eidolon
Eidolon: SF Online, 1997
Eidolon Vol.5 #1/2 (17/18), June 1995 (first publication)
Seed story for The Grand Conjunction.
1995EidolonAge: 12+ - "A Map of the Mines of Barnath"released 1995Hayakawa (Japan)
Aurealis Award Nominee
Ditmar Award Nominee
Seiun Award Nominee
Honorable Mention Year's Best Fantasy & HorrorOut now in Chappy's Time Travel Tales! Or at Curious Fictions. Also: StarShipSofa (podcast) Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga) The Wonder Years, 2003, Ed. Bill Congreve, Selected Peter McNamara (MirrorDanse Books) The Best Science Fiction of the Nineties, 2002 (Hayakawa, Japanese translation), Hayakawa’s SF Magazine, April 2000 (Japanese translation) Centaurus, 1999, Eds. Damien Broderick & David Hartwell (Tor Books) New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications) Eidolon: SF Online, 1997 Eidolon Vol.4 #4 (16), March 1995 (first publication) (This is a "Structure" story. See FAQs for more info on other stories set in this universe.)1995Hayakawa (Japan)Aurealis Award Nominee
Ditmar Award Nominee
Seiun Award Nominee
Honorable Mention Year's Best Fantasy & HorrorAge: 12+ - "On the Road to Tarsus"released 1994Ticonderoga (Australia)
Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books)
A View Before Dying, June 1998, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications)
Eidolon Vol.4 #3 (15), September 1994 (first publication)
1994Ticonderoga (Australia)Age: 12+ - "New Flames for an Old Love"released 1994Ticonderoga (Australia)
Honorable Mention Year's Best Fantasy & Horror
Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books)
A View Before Dying, June 1998, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications)
The Leading Edge #31, September 1995 (revised for Mormon readers)
Doorway to Eternity, July 1994, Ed. Bill Congreve (MirrorDanse Books) (first publication)
1994Ticonderoga (Australia)Honorable Mention Year's Best Fantasy & Horror
Age: 12+ - "Cold Sleep, Cold Dreams"released 1994Aphelion (Australia)
Alien Shores, June 1994, Ed. Peter McNamara (Aphelion Publications)
(As E.W.Story.)
1994Aphelion (Australia)Age: 12+ - "The Jackie Onassis Swamp-Buggy Concerto"released 1994Ticonderoga (Australia)Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books) Available here. Ticonderoga On-Line, January 2004 New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications) Eidolon Vol.4 #2 (14), April 1994 (first publication)1994Ticonderoga (Australia)
- "The Soap Bubble"released 1994Aphelion (Australia)Available through Curious Fictions, here. StarShipSofa Stories, Volume 2,2010. Ed/ Tony C. Smith Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga) The Best Australian Science Fiction Writing: A Fifty Year Collection, December 2004, Ed. Rob Gerrand (Black Inc.) Nowa Fantastyka, March 2000 (Polish translation) New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications) Alien Shores, June 1994, Eds. Peter McNamara & Margaret Winch (Aphelion Publications) (first publication) (Adapted into a sci-fi musical by Sean Reilly, Cathy Adamek, Phil Spruce and Sean Williams, with the financial assistance of Arts SA, and performed as a reading in 2006.)1994Aphelion (Australia)Age: 12+
- "Ghosts of the Fall"released 1993Ticonderoga (Australia)
Writers of the Future Prizewinner
Ditmar Award NomineeReprinted in Lightspeed Magazine, May 2015 (you can read it for free). And here, at Curious Fictions. Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga) Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books) New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications) (revised version) Writers of the Future Vol.IX, September 1993, Ed. Dave Wolverton (Bridge Publications) (first publication)1993Ticonderoga (Australia)Writers of the Future Prizewinner
Ditmar Award NomineeAge: 12+ - "White Christmas"released 1993Omnibus/Scholastic (Australia)
Honorable Mention Year's Best SF (twice)
Honorable Mention Year's Best Fantasy & HorrorMagic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, 2008, Ed. Russell B Farr (Ticonderoga)
Ticonderoga Online, Summer 2006, Eds. Russell B. Farr & Liz Grzyb
New Adventures in Sci-Fi, April 1999, Ed. Russell B. Farr (Ticonderoga Publications)
Altered Voices, 1999 (revised for teenage readers), Ed. Lucy Sussex (Scholastic US)
Aboriginal Science Fiction, Christmas Issue, 1997
The Lottery, June 1994 (revised for teenage readers), Ed. Lucy Sussex (Omnibus Books)
Eidolon Vol.3 #3 (11), January 1993 (first publication)
1993Omnibus/Scholastic (Australia)Honorable Mention Year's Best SF (twice)
Honorable Mention Year's Best Fantasy & Horror - "Robbery, Assault and Battery"released 1992Nemesis
Nemesis #16, March 1992
(Seed story for Metal Fatigue.)
1992NemesisAge: 12+ - "The Third and Final Death of Ronald Saw"released 1992Canberra SF Society
Canberra SF Society Short Story Competition Equal-3rd Prizewinner
Canberra SF Society Newsletter, May 1992
1992Canberra SF SocietyCanberra SF Society Short Story Competition Equal-3rd Prizewinner
Age: 12+ - "The Nightmare Stars"released 1992HongCon92
HongCon Short Story Competition 1st Prize Winner
HongCon92, June 1992
1992HongCon92HongCon Short Story Competition 1st Prize Winner
Age: 15+ - "In the Eye of the Octopus"released 1992Altair (Australia)
Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books)
Eidolon Vol.3 #1 (9), July 1992 (first publication)
1992Altair (Australia)Age: 15+ - "The Blink"released 1992
Canberra SF Society Newsletter, August 1992
(As Bradley MacMillan)
1992Age: 12+ - "Looking Forward, Looking Back:released 1992Mentor
The Mentor #76, September 1992
1992MentorAge: 12+ - "Goddess of Stone"released 1992Mentor
The Mentor #77, December 1992
1992MentorAge: 12+ - "The Stuff of Dreams (& Far Stranger Things"released 1991Canberra SF Society
Writers of the Future Quarter-Finalist
Canberra SF Society Newsletter, October 1991
1991Canberra SF SocietyWriters of the Future Quarter-Finalist
Age: 12+ - "Light Bodies Falling"released 1991Altair (Australia)Light Bodies Falling, 2005, Ed. Robert N Stephenson (Altair Australia Books) Available here. The Aurealis Mega Oz SF Anthology, February 1999, Eds. Stephen Higgins & Dirk Strasser (Chimaera Publications) Aboriginal Science Fiction 35/36, Winter 1992 Aurealis #6, December 19911991Altair (Australia)Age: 12+

Twinmaker story published in Antipodean SF issue 200. Link to original artist: